Development and Factor Structure of the Adlerian Personality Priority Assessment
This study aimed to explore the existence of the theoretical constructs of Adlerian personality priorities, a component in conceptualizing clients’: (a) pleasing, (b) control, (c) comfort, and (d) superiority (Kefir, 1971). Researchers implemented a multi-step process for the development of the Adlerian Personality Priority Assessment (APPA), including a focus group, expert panel, pilot study, and an exploratory factor analysis (EFA). For the EFA with the APPA (N = 393) identified a four-factor structure, supporting the construct validity of the original four Adlerian personality priorities. Professional counselors have used personality priorities since their inception in 1971 as a means to conceptualize clients’ worldviews and to develop holistic treatment plans to initiate within the change process. The APPA can now be utilized as a tool to better assist professional counselors in this endeavor.References
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