The Factor Structure and Psychometric Properties of the Greek Version of Career Motivational Types (CMT-Q): Cross-Cultural Comparison in Greece and Bulgaria


  • Vaitsa Giannouli School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki
  • Stanislava Stoyanova South-West University "Neofit Rilski", Blagoevgrad


The psychometric properties of a Career Motivational Types Questionnaire based on Moses (2003) typology of major career motivators were studied in a Greek sample of 123 subjects (workers and unemployed people) in 2013. The results were compared with those coming from a Bulgarian sample of 132 subjects (workers, unemployed people and students) studied in 2013. A cohort comparison was performed on major Bulgarian career motivational types between the years 2007 and 2013. The similarities in the major motivators in both countries concerned prevalence of Personal developers, Stability seekers and Authenticity seekers as career motivational types and more diverse career motivators in Bulgaria than in Greece. The validity of the questionnaire was studied by means of applying Fey’s Acceptance of others scale and Feeling of being accepted scale. “Acceptance of others†and “Feeling of being accepted†correlated significantly positively with each other and with Sociability seekers both in Greece and in Bulgaria in 2013. The implications of these results for career consulting and improvement of work motivation will be further discussed.


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