Psychopathy and the Rorschach: A Response to Wood et al. (2010)


  • Ted Bruce Cunliffe Carlos Albizu University
  • Carl B Gacono Private Practice
  • Reid Meloy University of California at San Diego
  • Jason M. Smith Carlos Albizu University
  • Enna E. Taylor Carlos Albizu University
  • David Landry Carlos Albizu University


PSYCHOPATHY AND THE RORSCHACH: A RESPONSE TO WOOD ET AL. (2010). Abstract Wood et al. (2010) published a meta-analysis in which the authors challenged the utility of the Rorschach Inkblot Test in delineating key differences between psychopathic and non-psychopathic individuals identified by the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare, 1991/2003). In this article, Gacono et al.’s (2001) five conceptual and four methodological criteria for the evaluation and interpretation of psychopathy/Rorschach literature were employed to provide a detailed review of the approach and procedure used by Wood et al. (2010). We identify and discuss a number of conceptual and methodological problems with the meta-analysis including confusion of the related but distinct terms of diagnosis and assessment, selection of studies, categorical versus dimensional interpretations of data, characterization of PCL-R and Rorschach findings, and meta-analytic methodology. Finally, recommendations for the essential components of well designed and implemented PCL-R and Rorschach studies are provided. Key Words: Psychopathy, Incarcerated Offenders, Rorschach, Methodology, Meta-Analysis,

Author Biographies

Ted Bruce Cunliffe, Carlos Albizu University

Doctoral Program Forensic Coordinator Assistant Professor

Reid Meloy, University of California at San Diego

Department of Psychiatry Professor


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