Equivalence of Remote, Online Administration and Traditional, Face-to-Face Administration of Woodcock-Johnson IV Cognitive and Achievement Tests


  • A. Jordan Wright New York University


Many children in need do not receive the mental health services they require. This is true with psychoeducational services in schools, where a shortage of school psychologists has been identified and an estimated 15% of all students struggle with attentional or learning difficulties that are unassessed and unaddressed, largely due to problems with access to psychoeducational evaluations. Remote, online psychoeducational evaluations have the potential to decrease this access problem by assisting school psychologists with their evaluation workload. The present study evaluated the equivalence of a remote, online administration procedure for the Woodcock-Johnson IV cognitive and achievement tests with traditional, in-person administration. Results revealed no significant differences between the scores on any index or individual test between the administration procedures. The remote, online procedure is a viable alternative for the traditional, in-person administration of the WJ IV, having the potential to improve psychoeducational evaluation access for many students across the country


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